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The Little Engine That Could | Shield HealthCare Caregiver Story Spotlight

Gina Flores
Caregiver Advocate | Shield HealthCare
04/23/12  4:49 PM PST

“Being a mother of a child who has a disability made me appreciate life a lot more. I was challenged at the beginning of my son James’ accident, thinking could I be capable of handling all his needs? And I have found that it has come as a joy.

The reward from being James caregiver is that I have been able to see him overcome a lot of challenges, some of the doctors said that he would never do. Only to prove them wrong. But when a child wakes up each and every morning with a smile and a hug, you know that your day is going to be wonderful. There are times when you think things are going to be real rough only to see that child overcome an obstacle. And when he tries something new and he hasn’t “mastered” it and he tries over and over just so that he can do it.

I have learned many things from my son, one that life is a wonderful thing and that you can do anything you set your heart and mind to doing. And the best is just because you may not speak a word, there is a way to communicate without sign language or communication boards. But the best rewarding gift I have learned is that you can actually see the good in everyone, even those who you would think don’t understand.

In the seven years since James had his drowning accident, I have learned a lot about being a caregiver and a story from when I was growing up is being kept alive through my son. It’s the story of the little engine that could. When the little train had problems going up the hill and you hear the little engine saying I think I can, I think I can then you hear I know I can, I know I can. James is my little engine. He taught me that I can achieve being the best caregiver. James is not only my son, he is my strength. He has taught me to take each and every day as a new beginning.”

Written by Kathryn B., 2002 Caregiver Story Contest Winner | Shield HealthCare “What Makes Caregiving Rewarding?” Story Contest

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