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How to Change Your Ostomy Pouch Video

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
05/09/14  10:29 PM PST

In this video, Shield HealthCare’s Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist, Laura Cox, shows you how to change an ostomy pouch (also called an ostomy bag) by changing her own! Laura will take you through:

  • Preparing to change the bag/pouch, including making sure you have everything ready so that the bag is off for the least amount of time possible
  • Tips about pre-cutting your wafer (make sure to cut the hole a little bit bigger than the diameter of your stoma)
  • The supplies you’ll need, including the products she personally uses, like stoma powder, Nystatin powder, lubricating/deodorizing drops, and stoma paste
  • Removing the bag and wafer
  • Cleaning the skin and preparing it for the new bag
  • Applying the new wafer and bag
  • Laura also gives viewers some tips and tricks she’s learned over the years

Please note that in this video, Laura is showing viewers how to change a two-piece system, though it is similar to how to change a one-piece system.

Want to watch this video with subtitles? You can find that option when you watch this video on YouTube.

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