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Urological Webinars and Videos Home

Urinary Tract Infections in Seniors

Recorded Webinar: Preventing and Managing Urinary Tract Infections in Seniors Video

Watch this recorded webinar - UTIs in seniors are often mistaken for the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Learn how to identify those at risk.

Danny Nguyen
JAW Catheter

Aaron Baker: JAW All-in-One Catheter System Video

Aaron Baker, Shield HealthCare's Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist, checks out our JAW catheter for the first time. JAW stands for Just Add Water.

Aaron Baker
Catheter problems

Video & Slides: Troubleshooting Issues with Catheters Webinar

Urinary catheters for patients come with a number of challenges and risks. This webinar will cover how to solve catheter problems.

Aimee Sharp
Preventing Catheter Associated UTIs

Preventing Catheter Associated UTIs (CAUTI) Webinar Video/Slides

During this webinar, our presenter discusses the advantages of intermittent catheterization with the goal of preventing catheter associated UTIs, and more.

Aimee Sharp
Serving Patients Nationwide