Monthly Archive: October 2017

Dating Someone in a Wheelchair

Dating Someone in a Wheelchair – From a “Wheelchair Spouse”

Our Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist has been married for just over two years now. Here his wife writes how it was dating someone in a wheelchair.

Katelyn Devine Baker
Covered California

Covered California: Navigating Your 2018 Obamacare Plan

In this article originally published by the Mercury News, learn about the dates for open enrollment for Covered California.

Aimee Sharp
cuts scrapes burns

Wound Care: What You Need To Know For Your Cuts, Scrapes, Grazes and Burns

In this article from ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) News, learn about when it's time to take wound care up a notch and see your doctor.

Aimee Sharp
Common Urological Issues

The 8 Most Common Urological Issues Affecting Men

In this article originally published by The New York Daily News, learn about eight common urological issues that a man may experience a problem with.

Aimee Sharp
what is an ostomy

Video: What Is An Ostomy?

In this video, our Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist, Laura Cox, answers the question: what is an ostomy? She talks about surgery, recovery and more.

Aimee Sharp
Tetra Pak

Storing and Using your Tetra Pak® Formula Containers

Formula manufacturers are using Tetra Pak containers for enteral formulas instead of cans. Click here to learn how best to store and use these products.

Aimee Sharp
coping with the angry side of alzheimers

Coping with the Angry Side of Alzheimer’s

Handling the angry side of Alzheimer's can be difficult for caregivers, but there are many ways to calm a patient. For example,

Taylor Snell
complex medical mom

From a Complex Medical Mom: Letter to My Child’s Doctors

As a complex medical mom, when I know that my child matters to you, we trust and believe in you; and that, dear doctor, puts the magic into your treatment.

Alethea Mshar
Holiday Delivery Schedule

2017 Holiday Delivery Schedule

Looking for Shield HealthCare's holiday delivery schedule? We have all the information here, including when Shield HealthCare's call center will be open.

Aimee Sharp
Parent of a Child with Special Needs

Recorded Webinar: Managing Stress as the Parent of a Child with Special Needs Video

Watch this recorded webinar - Learn coping strategies for chronic PTSD experienced by parents of a child with special needs. Presented by Dr. Liz Matheis.

Aimee Sharp
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I have progressive MS and I find it hard sometimes to have a positive attitude. How do you reach out to others?
The psychological roller coaster of life can be dramatically amplified by a physical condition like MS or spinal cord injury - no doubt! ...