When Jamie's son gets sick, or even starts to show symptoms, it's all hands on deck to make sure he doesn't end up in the emergency room.
This weekend I took my little guy, Ben (he’s twelve), to the Fall Fest in our local small town. When we boarded the hayride and sat down, Ben introduced himself to the woman sitting across from him. Names are important to Ben, who has Down syndrome and autism. He offers his name to everyone he… Continue reading Everywhere I Go I Am An Ambassador
Our Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialist, Aaron Baker, has compiled some great articles and videos about things we do each day. Click for everyday tips.
Era solo una visita de rutina. Cuando nos llamaron fuimos a un cuarto pequeño para controlar la presión, el peso y la altura, y sin ninguna razón aparente, comencé a sentirme mareada, mi corazón comenzó a latir aceleradamente y tuve que respirar hondo para evitar el vómito. Seguramente sonaré muy dramática, pero mi cuerpo estaba… Continue reading Síndrome de Estrés Postraumático (PTSD, en inglés) en padres de niños con necesidades especiales: Cómo manejarlo
In this article by a mom of a child with cerebral palsy, Jamie talks about how an intervention meant her child was motoring more freely than before.
For this video with Aaron Baker, we learn all about the basics of wheelchair transfers: from chair to couch, chair to floor and more, with and without help.
Discutimos cómo hacer actividad física con una ostomía, reintegrándote de manera segura en una rutina de ejercicios y cómo mantenerte saludable mientras.
In this article from Mosiac Science, learn about why many hospitals are trying to teach their staff more about catheters and lessen their use.
A common issue ostomates face is pancaking. Our OstomyLife Co-Moderator, Kelsey Scarborough, has compiled this troubleshooting guide based on her experience.
Many a family caregiver goes unrecognized by friends, family and sometimes even themselves. Check this list to see if you are a family caregiver.