Monthly Archive: February 2019

Secondary Complications from Spinal Cord Injury

In this article, our Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Specialists lists some of the most common secondary complications and his way of managing said conditions.

Aaron Baker

Let’s Talk About the Weather

The first topic in dinner party conversation is the weather. It’s easy and safe and vague and everybody has an opinion. Except, I don’t attend dinner parties so very much, so let’s shift that to the exchanges over the cash register with the check-out lady at Target. It usually goes something like this: “How about… Continue reading Let’s Talk About the Weather

Jamie Sumner
Caregiver Needs

The Three Friends Every Caregiver Needs

By Lillian Flakes, originally published on Do you know what friends every caregiver needs? Today’s guest blogger and special needs mom Lillian Flakes discovered the ones she needed at the beginning of her parenting journey. Today she describes the three friends every caregiver needs, the ones she’s grateful are part of her life. For… Continue reading The Three Friends Every Caregiver Needs

Aimee Sharp

Ostomy Tips: Ballooning

Ballooning, when used in terms of ostomies, is used to refer to an ostomy bag that is puffed up (like a blown-up balloon) due to gas.

Kelsey Scarborough
help my son

In Order To Help My Son I’m Stepping Back

The Occupational Therapist called us back for my son’s weekly appointment. As we wove our way through the halls, she asked Ben to lead us to her room. Ben took a wrong turn right out of the chute, and before his second step toward the incorrect door, I had my hand on him, to remind… Continue reading In Order To Help My Son I’m Stepping Back

Alethea Mshar
winter skin

Fight Dry Winter Skin with These Three Nutrition Tips

By Ellie Krieger Special to The Washington Post | If you are suffering from seasonal scaliness, you’re not alone. Dry skin is a common side effect of winter. As temperatures plunge, so does the humidity in the air, creating an environment that essentially sucks the moisture out of our body’s protective outer layer, resulting… Continue reading Fight Dry Winter Skin with These Three Nutrition Tips

Aimee Sharp
High Functioning Autism

How to Help Your Socially Isolated Child with High Functioning Autism

Asperger’s Disorder is what we used to call a ‘milder’ form of Autism. That is, the young man or woman has developed language and can use it effectively.  However, according to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th edition), it is now known as High Functioning Autism (HFA) or Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1. These… Continue reading How to Help Your Socially Isolated Child with High Functioning Autism

Dr. Liz Matheis
Sports and Rehabilitation

Let the Games Begin! Sports and Rehabilitation After a Spinal Cord Injury

 “If there is one thing I have learned, particularly in my life as an athlete, it is that our limits may not be where we think they are. And, even when we think we’ve finally reached them, the next time we go there exploring we often find that they’ve moved again.” Chrissie Wellington Reading this… Continue reading Let the Games Begin! Sports and Rehabilitation After a Spinal Cord Injury

Cynthia Ramirez
Kidney Stone

This Is How Long It Takes to Pass a Kidney Stone

By Emily DiNuzzo for Readers Digest Passing a kidney stone can be extremely painful and, in some cases, impossible without medical treatment like surgery. If you are passing a kidney stone, it would be great to know just how long you must endure the pain before it’s over. The short answer, however, is that it depends… Continue reading This Is How Long It Takes to Pass a Kidney Stone

Aimee Sharp
Emotions with an Ostomy

Your Emotions with an Ostomy

Ostomy surgery may be the biggest emotional flood a person has ever experienced. From the initial emotional downpour when you first realize you need an ostomy to the feeling of reality setting in and on through the never ending emotional roller coaster an ostomate rides. But you are not alone. Your emotions with an ostomy… Continue reading Your Emotions with an Ostomy

Kelsey Scarborough
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