Monthly Archive: August 2019


How to Do Kegel Exercises (And Why They’re Important)

Kegel exercises: one of the few exercises you can (safely) do while waiting at a red light! “Kegels” are the name for an exercise that strengthens your pelvic floor muscles. Your pelvic floor muscles are responsible for the tightening of the urethra, anus and the vagina. There are also sphincters for both the urethra and… Continue reading How to Do Kegel Exercises (And Why They’re Important)

Aimee Sharp

Why We Plan For Independent Living For Our Disabled Children

The biggest reason of all that we have bigger dreams for our children is simply that they have bigger dreams for themselves.

Alethea Mshar

¿Qué tipo de agua debo colocar en mi sonda de alimentación?

El lavado regular de la sonda de alimentación con agua ayudará a evitar las obstrucciones. Enjuague la sonda antes y después de cada uso para mantenerla sin restos de fórmula o medicamentos.

Amy Long Carrera, MS, RD, CNSC, CWCMS

How to Put ‘Mommy Time’ Back into Your Schedule

If you’re a mom, I’m going to take a leap and say that you’re pretty exhausted. Do you know why you’re exhausted? Because you’re taking care of everyone.

Dr. Liz Matheis
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