Monthly Archive: June 2022

Adaptive Gaming

Virtually A Level Playing Field I am now old enough to have played most of the original home video game consoles like Atari, Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Play Station and Xbox. All of which brought great joy and entertainment to me as a young boy. Little did I know that the virtual world would end up… Continue reading Adaptive Gaming

Aaron Baker

Letting Your Child Fail

Parent Alert: The Best Thing You Can Do Is Let Your Child Fail We have become a part of a parenting generation where we do everything in our power to make sure our children are included and they win. We have tried to protect our children from sadness, frustration, disappointment, heartbreak and any other non-positive… Continue reading Letting Your Child Fail

Dr. Liz Matheis

Summer Camps for Children with Special Needs

Summer Camp Offerings for Children with Special Needs Summer is awesome! No school! No schedule! No need to be anywhere at any particular time! But also, summer is tough. No school. No schedule. No need to be anywhere. If you have a child with special needs, routine and familiarity are crucial and summer can often… Continue reading Summer Camps for Children with Special Needs

Jamie Sumner

Writing As Therapy

Empower Your Healing With The Written Word Creative writing as a form of expression uses the act of writing and reading the written word as therapy. Writing your feelings or reflections has been scientifically documented to gradually ease feelings of trauma. I learned early on in my recovery that there were therapeutic benefits to logging… Continue reading Writing As Therapy

Aaron Baker
Shield HealthCare Moves to New Colorado Facility

Shield HealthCare Colorado Moves to New, Larger Location

Shield HealthCare Colorado Moves to New Location Aurora, CO — Shield HealthCare, an industry leader serving the medical supply needs of the growing population of caregivers and families who manage medical care at home, is pleased to announce the company’s move from its current Denver location into a new, significantly larger location in Aurora, CO.… Continue reading Shield HealthCare Colorado Moves to New, Larger Location

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Shields Health Care Group Hack

Massachusetts-Based Company with Similar Name Announces Hack

Shields Health Care Group, a Massachusetts-based company involved with imaging and health management services, recently announced a major hack that may have exposed sensitive information for up to two million people in their database. The company claims there isn’t any evidence of identity theft from the incident, however both Shields Health Care Group and federal… Continue reading Massachusetts-Based Company with Similar Name Announces Hack

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS

Alzheimer’s Disease And Incontinence

Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia, which is caused by a physical disease of the brain. Between 60 – 70% of those with Alzheimer’s will go on to suffer from incontinence issues.

Shield HealthCare
Ohio WIC Formula Shortage

Ohio Department of Health, WIC Aids Families During Formula Shortage

COLUMBUS — Ohio Department of Health Director Bruce Vanderhoff, MD, MBA announced that department officials requested that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) allow for greater flexibilities in order to expand access to infant formula for families amidst the national formula shortage. “We recognize that many… Continue reading Ohio Department of Health, WIC Aids Families During Formula Shortage

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Upcoming Webinars
Get Started with Shield HealthCare
Why am I always sore after removing my intermittent catheter?
I, too, used to experience soreness due to catheter insertion and removal. I attributed this to the fact that I was inserting the catheter hose into very delicate tissue...