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From Hospital to Home Transition Tips

Gina Flores
Caregiver Advocate | Shield HealthCare
08/16/11  7:11 PM PST

The role of the caregiver during a hospital discharge deserves special attention. Between managing hospital paperwork, care instructions, filling prescriptions and arranging for a comfortable journey home, it’s a busy and often stressful time for the caregiver and the family.

A support system of family and friends and a good old fashioned to-do list are essential keys to ensuring an easy transition, plus these helpful tips:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help around the house. It’s a good idea to have the house cleaned up with fresh bedding and disinfected bathrooms when bringing home a loved one from hospital.
  • Make a meal schedule for the first week or two. Enlist the helping hands of family or friends to help with cooking and grocery shopping.
  • Find a second caregiver to take over for a little while, so you can rest and rejuvenate yourself.
  • Ease stress by talking to others about your challenges and concerns.
  • Be patient and have a positive outlook. Recognize that every issue has a solution and that getting comfortable with a new medical routine is a process that takes time.

Once you’re at ease and enjoying the comforts of home with the person you care for, everything else will fall into place. Your customer service team at Shield HealthCare will contact you to place your reorder of prescribed medical supplies, so you can focus on other important things.

Remember to visit the Caregiver Community on ShieldHealthCare.com for more tips and resources, designed just for caregivers.

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