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work after ostomy surgery

Going Back to Work After Ostomy Surgery

Tips on how to make your transition back to work after ostomy surgery as easy as possible and what to talk to your boss about.

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Surgery Recovery

Ostomy Surgery Recovery

Suggestions for lifestyle, diet, and attitude for ostomy surgery recovery. Shield HealthCare shares concise tips to assist in recovery. 

Laura Cox, LPC
recovering from surgery

Easy Outings While Recovering from Surgery

Recovering from surgery takes patience and time. Being cooped up while recovering can lead to cabin fever. Here are some easy tips to avoid cabin fever. 

Laura Cox, LPC

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
My 89-year-old mother loves to swim but she has found that the pouch fills with water when she gets into the pool. What can we do to fix this?
We recently had someone reach out to our Facebook community with a similar question, and several of our OstomyLife community members responded with their own advice.
Hopefully you and your mother will find their answers helpful ...