Medical Tests: How to Prepare Your Child with Special Needs – Video

Alethea Mshar
Special needs mom and Blogger
01/24/17  12:36 PM PST

Traveling to see specialists and undergo medical tests for your special needs child can be stressful. Watch the video above to see how Ben’s mom plans to make the trip more enjoyable.

Medical Tests: How to Prepare Your Child with Special Needs

Planning ahead and picking up some fun stuff to make the trip less stressful can help you cope and feel empowered to face a week of testing and travel.

Small toys can serve three purposes:

  • Distraction from an unpleasant procedure
  • Reward for getting through it
  • Motivation to get through the next one

Here are a couple of scenarios using small toys during medical tests:

Problem #1:

Ben and his mom have to travel to another city for some doctor visits and medical tests. They will be gone for 3 nights. This can be very stressful for both of them.

Solution #1:

Ben’s mom has made a special trip to the dollar store to pick up some small items that Ben will like. She wraps them up and makes a “Grab bag” of items that she can use as distractions from stressful procedures and rewards for getting through them.

Problem #2:

Ben has to have an NG tube placed for motility testing. It’s an uncomfortable procedure and he has to stay very still.

Solution #2:

Ben has a Tubie Friend so he can practice doing the same procedure that the doctor is going to do on him. Ben’s doctor kit is a big help in making him feel prepared for medical tests and procedures. It gives him confidence and helps him cope.

More Ideas for medical play:

Junior Doc McStuffins Toy Hospital Care Cart

medical tests

Shadow Buddies

medical tests

Tubie Friends

medical tests


Need more ideas? Ask a parent in our online support group:

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