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Nailing the Job Interview: Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts

Jessica Kolber
Recruiting Specialist | Shield HealthCare
10/20/16  3:02 PM PST
job interview

Did you know we’re hiring here at Shield HealthCare? Be sure to check out our open positions – but first, get some helpful tips. With so much interview advice available, it can be difficult to assess what to do in during your next opportunity. We’ve broken it down to our top 5 do’s and don’ts to help you make your next interview unforgettable — in a good way.

Top 5 Do’s:

  1. Smile
    Show that you have a positive attitude and outlook towards the position you for which you are interviewing. Make an effort to be aware of your facial expressions when speaking. Practice answering common interview questions in a mirror or ask a friend to conduct a practice interview with you so they can give feedback on your facial expressions.
  2. Listen attentively
    Few things are more frustrating for an interviewer than having to repeat themselves because a candidate is not listening to the questions asked. Make sure you are focused on the conversation and listen to the questions before answering.
  3. Make eye contact
    Look your interviewer in the eye when speaking. This conveys a sense of confidence and lets the interviewer know you are engaged and interested. Be sure to look away occasionally — don’t be too intense!
  4. Maintain an open posture
    Keep your hands comfortably in your lap. Take care not to cross your arms or use too many hand gestures, which may be distracting or come across as closed-off.
  5. Ask for the job
    Make sure the interviewer knows you want the job. Let them know why you would be a good fit and what you bring to the table.

Top 5 Don’ts:

  1. Check the time on your watch, phone, or in-room clock
    Make your interviewer feel that their open position is important to you.  When scheduling the interview ask your company contact approximately how long you should plan on being at their facility, and then mentally add at least a 30-minute buffer. Add extra money to the parking meter so you don’t need to worry about getting a ticket when you’re trying to impress.
  2. Discuss money
    By the time you make it to an in-person interview you should received an approximate compensation range via email or over the phone.  The in-person interview is a time to discuss your qualifications for the position and learn more about the company.  Save your compensation negotiations for the offer stage.
  3. Speak negatively of past employers
    Always find something positive to say about your past employers. An interview is not the time to bad-mouth a previous company or supervisor. Instead, take the time to speak positively about what you learned in previous positions and emphasize characteristics you’d like in a new position or at a new company.
  4. Answer questions with a just a “yes” or “no”
    Answering a question with one word does not give your interviewer insight into your thought process or paint a picture of your previous experience. Follow up a simple “yes” or “no” with an example referencing a similar situation.
  5. Fold your arms or slouch in your chair
    Maintain a professional posture. Slouching or folding your arms sends a non-verbal cue that you are uncomfortable or uninterested.
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