Videos: Nutrición Enteral

por:Publicado14 de Febrero de 20172 Comentarios
EnteraLite Infinity Pump

Hola y bienvenidos a la página Enteral Video de Shield HealthCare. En esta página puede encontrar vídeos que muestren Como Empezar la Alimentación Usando la Bomba de Infinity EnteraliteComo Empezar la Alimentación Usando la Bomba de Kangaroo Joey, Cómo Realizar la Alimentación por Gravitación a Través de la Sonda Gástrica, Alimentación por Gravedad y Como destapar una sonda de alimentación gástrica.


Como Empezar la Alimentación Usando la Bomba de Infinity Enteralite:


Como Empezar la Alimentación Usando la Bomba de Kangaroo Joey:


Cómo Realizar la Alimentación por Gravitación a Través de la Sonda Gástric:


Alimentación por Gravedad:


Como destapar una sonda de alimentación gástrica:

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  1. I would like to have more information about M-key button when is getting clogged what can cause that and how to unclogged without emergency dept. Visit it this just replaced or change in the last 30 days and clogged before is time to change i do every 3 months or so

    1. Hi Maria, thank you for your question! Tubes can clog for a variety of reasons. Usually it’s medication or formula that’s dried in the tubing. Prevent this by flushing the tube with water after each time you put formula or medication down the tube. The form of the medication could also affect the risk of clogging. Certain forms should not be put down the tube, such as extended release medications. Liquid meds mixed in water are the best form, if available. Your doctor or pharmacist may be able to help make sure the meds you are using are the right form for the tube. Excess stomach acid can sometimes contribute to tube clogs. Ask your doctor if you need an antacid. Also, it’s important to remember that water is the best liquid to use to flush the tube or to clear a clogged tube. Soda and juice are acidic and can react with any formula left in the tube, making the clog worse. Hope that helps! If you still have questions, feel free to reply here or email me at

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