Thrive Over 65: Nutrition Tips for Older Adults – Recorded Webinar

Brooke Phillips, CWCMS
Editor | Shield HealthCare
06/28/19  6:00 AM PST
nutrition tips for older adults webinar

The webinar “Thrive Over 65: Nutrition Tips for Older Adults,” presented by Kelly Sparks, RN, BSN, CWOCN with Capital Nursing Education, has already taken place. However, you can still watch a recording of this web-based training.

Contact hour of continuing nursing education credit is no longer available for this course

You can also download a PDF of the slides here.

Click here to register and view the recording any time at your convenience.

Webinar Overview:

Dietary needs change as we age, and this is especially true for people 65 and older. Calorie needs decrease as we age, yet we often need more of some key nutrients. In this webinar, we cover ways to help combat some of the health concerns commonly associated with aging.

Learning Objectives:

  • Briefly discuss why it is necessary to focus on prevention
  • Review clinical signs of nutritional deficiencies
  • Learn ways to assist with seniors getting adequate nutrition
  • Explore ways to assist with psychological aspects of malnutrition
  • Consider different ways to prevent malnutrition in seniors
  • Explore exercises necessary for healthy living in senior years

About Kelly Sparks, RN, BSN, CWOCN with Capital Nursing Education

Kelly Sparks has been a CWOCN for over 25 years, and a nurse for over 30. She has worked in wound, ostomy and continence care for most of her career. She has been on the board of directors of the Pacific Coast Region several times in the past as well as being on multiple projects for the WOCN Certification Board. She is active with the local Sacramento WOC nurse group and serves as Secretary. She is recently retired from Dignity Health, but continues with her private practice. She has been a speaker for many different conferences and classes. She enjoys speaking for Shield webinars and working with the Capital Nursing Education to help promote education necessary for the care of patients.

For more information, see other related articles and resources here:

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