Shopping for a Doctor

Aimee Sharp
Author | Shield HealthCare
10/11/18  2:50 PM PST

Our Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist, Laura Cox, decided it was time for a new doctor when she began to not feel safe in the care of her old doctor. Once she’d made the decision, she figured out the difficult but necessary process to find a doctor she was comfortable with. Shopping for a doctor involves research and meeting with new doctors, and she shares all the steps in this video.

You can find more articles and videos about living with an ostomy below:

The United Ostomy Association of America has a self-advocacy checklist that some may find helpful to review during the process of shopping for a doctor.

Shield HealthCare | Stronger with Shield

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I had emergency ostomy surgery last march. I have a peristomal hernia the size of a breast. Is that normal?
Unfortunately, hernias can often occur following ostomy surgery.
We definitely recommend speaking to your surgeon about the issue, but additionally ...

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