Tag Archive: Ostomates

My Story of Becoming an Ostomate

While the answers to common questions may be helpful for new ostomates, it leaves out important things that people may need to hear.

Kelsey Scarborough
College with an Ostomy

What’s It Like Being In College With An Ostomy?

In this article by Amy Oestreicher for ULoop.com, she talks about the stresses of college with the added stress of having a stoma, and making both work.

Aimee Sharp

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
For the past few months, I've found my stool has been pasty and sticky. Please tell me what to do to prevent ostomy "pancaking" from sticky stool.|For the past few months, I've found my stool has been pasty and sticky. Please tell me what to do to prevent ostomy "pancaking" from sticky stool.
The first thing I would suggest is to make sure you're drinking enough fluids throughout the day.
Drinking fluids will help make stool less sticky ...