Travel with an Ostomy | Lifestyle Video

Laura Cox, LPC
Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist | Shield HealthCare
05/09/14  10:29 PM PST

In this travel with an ostomy video, Shield HealthCare’s Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist Laura Cox gives travel tips, including:

  • Getting through airport security
  • What to pack in your carry-on – keep all supplies with you and pack two times as many supplies as  you think you’ll need
  • Why you should try to book an aisle seat

Laura also talks viewers through her experience of what happened to her on her first airline trip she took after getting ostomy surgery. Three months after her surgery, she took a trip and was worried about what would happen when she went through airport security. She decided to tell the TSA officer upon arrival to the security area, and, while TSA agents are supposed to be aware of what an ostomy is, they did not. Laura now recommends not bringing up that you have an ostomy unless you find it necessary.

Click here to read Laura’s full article about traveling when you’ve had ostomy surgery, which includes a packing list.

For more information, see related ostomy articles and resources here:

Shield HealthCare | Stronger with Shield

Serving Medicare Ostomates Nationwide
For the past few months, I've found my stool has been pasty and sticky. Please tell me what to do to prevent ostomy "pancaking" from sticky stool.
The first thing I would suggest is to make sure you're drinking enough fluids throughout the day.
Drinking fluids will help make stool less sticky ...

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