Our Living Well with Incontinence – Presented by Barbara E. West, RN, MSN, CWOCN of Capital Nursing Education webinar has already taken place. However, you can watch a recording of the video.
CE Contact Hours are no longer offered for this webinar.
You can also download the slides here.
Webinar Overview:
This one-hour video addresses ways to reduce incontinence, and covers products and strategies for successful management – including skin care, fall prevention and more.
Ms. West covers:
- Strategies for reducing and managing urinary and fecal incontinence
- How individuals can manage their incontinence so that they do not have to be homebound
- The anatomy of the urinary tract in both men and women and how differences affect incontinence
About Barbara E. West, RN, MSN, CWOCN of Capital Nursing Education
Barbara West received her Masters of Nursing at Yale University in 1993 and her Wound Ostomy Continence Certification from Emory University in 2011. Barbara has 12 years’ experience in hospice, and her experience in home health includes working with patients of all ages for both UC Davis Medical Center and Sutter. She has held several positions with Kaiser Permanente, most recently working in Sacramento at the General Surgery out-patient clinic and Vacaville in-patient, performing full-scope wound and ostomy care. She is currently re-discovering the joys of foot and nail care at the Sacramento Ortho-Podiatry out-patient clinic. Barbara’s first full-length book of poetry is forthcoming from Cold River Press.
For more information, see other related articles and resources here:
Request Your Free Copy of Our Living Well with Incontinence Guide
I am not able to benefit from the August 23 webnar.
I hope there will be other webnars on this topic. Thank you.
Hello Deborah. Thank you for your comment. We’re sorry you aren’t able to attend next week’s webinar, but we will be recording it so you can watch it later at your leisure. The recorded webinar should be available to view on this page on 8/24.
If you would like to check out our upcoming webinars, you can find our 2017 schedule here: http://www.shieldhealthcare.com/webinars
Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thank you,
Aimee, Shield HealthCare
If we are not able to watch the webinar due to it being during our work hours, can we get CEU’s when we watch it later? Also how about the 2016 webinars… Can we still get Ceu’s for those??
Hello there. Thank you for your comment. With this particular webinar, we are unfortunately unable to offer CE Contact Hour credits after it airs live. But there are some webinars that we recorded that you can watch On Demand and receive a CE Contact Hour certificate through the Wound Care Education Institute. You can find the links for those below, and instructions for how to view them for free are located on those pages. *Please read the instructions for how to receive the CE Contact Hour certificate – do not watch the videos on our site.
Recorded Webinar: Clinical and Lifestyle Concerns with an Ostomy Video
Troubleshooting Common Stomal Complications Webinar: Video
Webinar Video and Slides: Pressure Injury – Choosing the Right Treatment
Goodbye Wet-to-Dry Wound Care Webinar Video and Supplemental Material
Video/Supplemental Material: Ostomy 101 Webinar-Stoma Assessment
Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thank you. -Aimee, Shield HealthCare
Although I had a little bit of audio issues, the webinar was a good start for the most part. Unfortunately, I ran into the same issue I always run into: these are to target an audience with adult incontinence, and my nephew is only 12 years old. Therefore, the info and suggestions I can not benefit from as much. I need help with setting up a schedule, and how to explain the importance of cathing and a BM program, as well as hygiene. He’s only lived with us for a few years, and I am still trying to learn all of this, plus he visits his mother twice a year which totally screws with any sort of progress we’ve made. So is there anything you could suggest that could possibly help me out?
Hi Yesenia. Thank you for your comment. At the time of you comment, we did not have anything that offered information for children/teens with incontinence, but we have remedied that. Please see our article, Incontinence in Children with Special Needs. We hope you find it helpful. -Aimee, Shield HealthCare